Bad news early is good news

Every business owner knows there’s going to be an occasion when you have to deliver bad news to a customer. Hopefully not serious stuff, but it’s very often linked to a delay of some sort. It might be entirely your fault, or it might be somebody else in...

Too much choice is a sales-killer

You’d think that only offering customers a few choices would put them off. It’s likely that none of the choices would quite suit and they’ll look elsewhere. To a degree that’s true. If you are offering cars for sales and say ‘it’s...

Spot the troublesome customers early

When you are first approached by a customer looking for you to do some work for them (or they walk into your shop or restaurant), you assume they are all likely buyers. But if you’ve worked for yourself for any time at all, you’ll know that there are going...

Should you deliver your own leaflets?

Delivering leaflets to householders is a really high impact way of getting new business. Even if they only read it while walking to the bin, most leaflets will get noticed. But by the time you’ve factored in design, print and distribution it’s a pricey...

It’s the little things

Imagine if every enquiry you had turned into a paying customer. We can dream ay? It’s not going to happen, but here are three easy tips that could increase the percentage that do say “yes”. 1. Microwave mentality From microwaves and air fryers to...