Have you ever thought that TV and radio advertising are just really annoying? Probably. On paper? Probably not…why is that?

I was watching something on YouTube recently and was really irritated by the constant interruption of adverts.

What was particularly grating was that I kept getting promotions for cat food. I don’t own a cat and never have!

I didn’t want to pay the hefty subscription fee, so I found a ‘workaround’ – no more interruptions.

This type of advertising isn’t going away but it’s so invasive, that it has to be diluting its effectiveness.

We are all about advertising

Isn’t that the pot calling the kettle black, given that our business wouldn’t survive without ads?

I acknowledge if you get a local magazine through your door, you aren’t going to be interested in every featured business. But you have the choice – glance, not interested, next page. Or – interested, but I’ll fold the corner of the page so I can come back to it later.

And for the business that’s good. If you are paying, you want at least a chance of being seen, not having some sneaky ad-blocker hiding you away.

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