Self-employed employee

If you have your own business, whether as a sole trader or as a limited company, you probably think of yourself as self-employed.
That is true, but subtly, this doesn’t necessarily mean you are running your own business.
If you do 100% of the work in the business – quotes, accounts and the actual work, it means you are a self-employeed employee.
Let’s be clear – there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. You are master of your own time and can pick and choose which work to take on – you can’t do that if you are working for someone else.
However, you’ll only ever be able to make as much income as you have hours in the day. It’s not until you have other people working for you that you’ll be able to increase your income. Even if you paid someone for a few hours a week doing admin work, that’d free you to take on the higher-paying skilled work.