There aren’t many of us who carefully research where our goods come from before buying online. But even if you do, your preference will only be narrowed to the UK, not – say – Salisbury or Ringwood.
Given that, why does it matter that our advertisers are local? Obviously, if it’s something you are travelling for – a gym or a restaurant – your time is valuable, so you’ll want their premises to be as close to home as possible.
But if you’re asking for a quote for electrical work, new windows or a house valuation, the business representative is doing the travelling, so why does the distance still matter to you?
Firstly, we all feel more connected to our local area and our neighbours. For example, if the person giving you a quote was the same age as you, lived within a mile of your house and had similar interests…well, you could really put your faith in them, couldn’t you? This doesn’t stand up to analysis, but then human emotions rarely do.
Secondly, if you know that the advertiser is driving 50 miles to do the quote, there’s a sense of obligation. If they’re only five miles away, you won’t feel you’re putting them out if you ultimately decide not to go ahead.
Finally, if you do buy, knowing that the business will spend its profits in your area is the clincher. Buying local reinvests into your community and that’s something we can all feel good about.