Imagine if every enquiry you had turned into a paying customer. We can dream ay? It’s not going to happen, but here are three easy tips that could increase the percentage that do say “yes”.

1. Microwave mentality

From microwaves and air fryers to getting an Amazon delivery in less than 24 hours, we all want ‘quick’, all the time.

So, if you get a customer enquiry, you need to answer the phone, call them back or reply to their email asap. Otherwise, you are giving them a chance to look elsewhere.

And if you’ve promised a follow-up e.g. a quote, try to get back to your customer the same day that you’ve spoken to them. 

2. I can do that for you

Let’s say I am the customer and my name is Lisa, and I’ve said ‘Would it be possible to have that in a slightly different colour?”

Option 1: “Yes it would”.

Option 2: “Yes, I’ll be able to do that for you, Lisa”.

How much more personal does it feel adding in ‘for you’ and the person’s name? Warning though: too much sugar is a bad thing. Particularly with the name, if you do it on every reply, it’ll seem insincere.

3. Round is wrong

No, I’m not judging your body shape, this is about your price.

If you say something is going to cost £70 or £300 the perceived value of your offering will be lower than if you’d said £73 or £311, and we don’t want that, do we? Even better, leave the ‘£’ off.

T’internet has a ton of advice on this, but this is a good start:  The Psychology of Pricing.

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